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Position: Dean of Girls

College(s): Liberty University & University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Degrees/Certifications: ACSI Certification, BS in Psychology and Biblical Counseling, MSW in Mental Health


What is your role at Redwood Christian Schools?

I am the Dean of Girls at the Middle School and High School.

What do you love about RCS?

I love RCS because Christ and His redemptive work are central to everything we do. I have the opportunity to remind my students daily that our identity is based on the fact that HE has bought us with a price that covers us completely. I love that we are a community that tries to love like Jesus; we can inspire our students to change their world through their gifts and interests.

What sets RCS students apart from students in other schools?

RCS students get the unique opportunity to be in an academically advanced environment based on biblical foundations that can transfer to their everyday lives even after they leave here. RCS provides an environment where students' characters are molded through the redemptive work of the Holy Spirit.

How do you inspire students?

The love of Christ and our hope in HIM changes us. I want my students to know that each of them is uniquely created in His image for a special purpose and of great value to our Creator. Their identity is not based on what the world tells them but on who Jesus says they are. They are loved, and they have the power to change the world through the love of Christ. I want this to inspire them to be who they are created to be and revolutionize their part of the world through their gifts and passion.

What do you want students to gain from having known you?

I want them to know that belonging to Christ is the most important decision they will ever make and it will change the trajectory of their lives and will bring fulfillment that the world cannot give. Christ accepts us just as we are and HE changes us inside out! When the world fails us or disappoints us, HE will be our ROCK!

What in scripture motivates you in your role at RCS?

Matthew 22:37-39
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

  • Administration
  • high school
  • middle school