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Position: Band Teacher

College(s): UC Santa Barbara; University of Northern Iowa

Degrees/Certifications: Bachelors of Music Performance; Masters of Music Performance


How did God call you into teaching, and/or what are your professional credentials (or prior work experience)?

After moving back to the Bay Area in 2018, I had begun teaching part time in the public school system and performing in multiple bands around the Bay Area. After a year of this work, I believe the Lord had called me to change paths and dive full time into teaching. In 2019, I began teaching as full-time band teacher at Milpitas Christian. I am excited to go into my 5th year of teaching by starting at Redwood!

What motivated you to become a teacher at Redwood Christian?

The community and values as a school motivated me to become a teacher at Redwood. I also believe God has a great purpose for me teaching at Redwood.

Tell us about your family and how they are looking forward to this new opportunity.

My family is half Fijian-Indian and half African-American. We currently reside in Hayward, and they are incredibly excited for me to take on a new position that is closer to home.

What is a unique experience, talent or interest that you bring to your classroom to help shape the learning experience of your students?

I love making hip hop beats and recording music. These skills help bring a fresh creativity to the classroom that gives students a space to explore and create their own music.

Do you have any other hobbies/interests outside of teaching?

I love sports, hiking, skating, rollerblading, movies, and most importantly spending time with my family!

Our tagline is “Inspiring Futures.” How will a time you’ve been inspired shaped your teaching?

I recently attended a music festival ministry in Hungary called “Crescendo Summer Institute.” At one of the classes, I heard that the professor was concentrating on shaping the students' character. Although music was the medium through which he did this, it was a great reminder to help be an available mentor to students and help guide them to become who God destined them to be.

  • Elementary
  • Faculty
  • high school
  • middle school