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Position: Elementary School Teacher

College(s): Colorado Christian University

Degrees/Certifications: Bachelor of Arts – Liberal Studies with an Emphasis in Elementary Education


Click here for the inside scoop: Why Mrs. Vanegas was inspired to become a teacher!

What is/are your role(s) at Redwood Christian Schools?

I teach 3rd grade.

What do you love about your role(s) at RCS?

The one thing that I love about Redwood Christian Schools is that it is my home. I went to RCS when I was in 1st grade and graduated in 2010. The teachers had a positive influence on my life. They are one of the reasons why I became a teacher. 

What sets RCS students apart from students in other schools?

RCS students excel in an educational environment that allows them to navigate academics and the world’s toughest issues through a spiritual and moral lens. They are different because of their ability to see all subjects through the reality of Jesus Christ.   

How do you inspire your students?

I always encourage my students to ask questions openly in the spirit of curiosity. My aim is to consistently remind my students to be rooted in God’s love. 

What do you want your students to gain from having known you?

I want my students to know that, “God is good all the time and all the time God is good” regardless of the circumstances.  

What is your favorite verse?

Ephesians 5:8 “For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.”

  • Elementary
  • Faculty