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by Dr. Al Hearne II

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John 1:14 - "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth."


Shore Excursion 19: What Does It Mean That the Word Became Flesh?

John 1:14 is one of the most profound statements in Scripture. This verse captures the heart of the incarnation, the moment when the eternal Word of God took on human flesh and lived among His creation. It affirms the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ, the perfect revelation of God.

The phrase "the Word became flesh" declares that Jesus, the Logos (Word) present at creation (John 1:1-3), took on the physical body of a person. Jesus, fully divine and fully human, stepped from heaven and into time and space to dwell with us. The Greek term for "dwell" literally means "to pitch a tent" or "tabernacle," reminding us of the Old Testament Tabernacle where God's presence resided among His people (Exodus 25:8-9). In Christ, God's presence is permanently with us, revealing His glory.

The glory that John speaks of is not merely outward brilliance but the unique majesty of Jesus as the one and only Son of God. This glory is evident in His miracles, teachings, death, and resurrection. It is the glory of the divine Son, of the same essence as the Father, full of grace and truth.

The phrase "full of grace and truth" reveals the essence of Jesus' mission and character. Grace is God's unmerited favor, His lovingkindness freely given. Truth is the ultimate reality, the genuine revelation of God's nature. Together, grace and truth define the life and ministry of Jesus. The law was fulfilled through Him and transformed into a new covenant of grace and truth (John 1:17).

As the perfect expression of God in human form (Colossians 2:9), Jesus makes the invisible God visible (Hebrews 1:1-3). Before Christ, God could only be known partially; now, we can know God fully in Christ. His life exemplifies the harmony of grace and truth, offering forgiveness and freedom to those who believe.

The glory of Jesus is not abstract but tangible. John writes, "we have seen his glory," reminding us that this is the testimony of an eyewitness. The disciples saw Jesus' glory through His life, power, and sacrificial love. This glory, full of grace and truth, is not just a revelation for the past but an ongoing reality for all who believe in Him.


What Does This Mean for Us Today?

John 1:14 is a declaration of hope for us today. The incarnation means that God is not distant but near, entering our broken world to bring restoration. Jesus' humanity allows Him to understand our struggles and His divinity provides the power to overcome them.

To accept the truth that the Word became flesh is to embrace the reality of Emmanuel—God with us. It means recognizing that Jesus is the perfect revelation of God, full of grace to cover our sins and truth to guide our lives. His life, death, and resurrection show us the glory of God, offering us salvation and a restored relationship with Him.

Living in the light of this truth means allowing His grace to transform us and His truth to guide us. By trusting in Jesus, we experience His presence daily and share His glory with the world.


Reflective Practice

How does knowing that "the Word became flesh" deepen your understanding of Jesus' humanity and divinity?

In what ways have you experienced the grace and truth of Jesus in your life?

How can you reflect the glory of Jesus to others through your words and actions this Christmas season?


Concluding Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son, the Word, to become flesh and dwell among us. Thank You for the grace and truth revealed through Jesus Christ. Help us to embrace the reality of Your presence and to live lives that reflect Your glory. Transform us through Your grace and guide us by Your truth so we may be a light to others. May we celebrate the wonder of the incarnation this Christmas and share the hope of Emmanuel with the world. In Jesus' name, Amen.

[image, Jesus Birth Announcement, was created by DALL·E.]

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