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by Dr. Al Hearne II

cruise ship dock

This devotion is our twelfth shore excursion as we continue our journey of God's steadfast love.


Shore Excursion 12: How Great is God's Love Toward Us?

Psalm 117:1-2, "Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!"

Psalm 117 is a hymn of praise, the shortest Psalm and the shortest chapter in the Bible.  Yet its two verses carry a profound message of God's steadfast love and enduring faithfulness. Verse 1 is the command for all nations and all peoples to praise the Lord. In verse 2, the Psalmist declares that God's love toward His people is both great and beyond measure. The Psalmist chose the Hebrew word hesed to define God's love. It means that God's love will never change, never end, never waiver, and far beyond what our minds can comprehend. The Psalmist also highlights God's enduring faithfulness, meaning God's promises and commitments to his people will never change. In many ways, these two verses summarize the entire Bible, everyone is to praise God because God loves them.  


What does this mean for us today?

Psalm 117:1-2 reminds us that God's love and faithfulness are constant and unchanging.  No matter our circumstances, we can trust that God's love is great toward us and that His faith never fails.  God's steadfast love provides a firm foundation to build our lives in a world where many things are unpredictable.  God's steadfast love and faithfulness are predictable.  they will never change.

For us today, this means we can find security and hope in God's love, even when we encounter various storms or trials in life.  His love toward us does not depend on our performance.  It is based upon His never-changing character.  As we reflect on His faithfulness, we should be moved to praise Him, not only with our words but also with our lives.  God's love and faithfulness are not just truths to be believed but realities to be lived as we share His love with others.

Reflective Practice

In what areas of your life can you reflect God's steadfast love?

How does knowing that God's faithfulness endures forever bring comfort and security to your life?

How can you incorporate regular praise into your life in response to God's steadfast love?


Concluding Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank you for your great love toward us and for your enduring faithfulness.  Help us trust your steadfast love in every area of our lives.  Guide us to reflect your love and faithfulness in our thoughts, words and actions.  Help us continually praise you for your goodness, and may our lives be a testimony of your unfailing love to those around us.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

[image, Steadfast Love, was created by DALL·E.]


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